Home Exclusive Report Beyond the Buzzword: The Impact of AI on Advertising

Beyond the Buzzword: The Impact of AI on Advertising


It’s hard to think of another industry that will be more fundamentally impacted than advertising. The hyperscale data processing and analytics demands of the modern ad tech ecosystem present the perfect problem for which AI can create myriad solutions.

But the deafening buzz on AI makes it hard to find a meaningful signal amid the noisy hype.


How is AI being used in advertising today?

To cut through the buzz and see how AI is being used in advertising today, MNTN and AdExchanger partnered to survey 150 decision-makers at leading brands and agencies across a range of sectors and sizes.

What are the top AI use cases today?

AI is already mainstream in advertising: two-thirds of brands and agencies now use AI in some ad-related capacity. But where are they using it? The survey identified the most common and most successful applications of AI to-date. Then, we dug into both quantitative and qualitative insights on exactly how AI tools are being applied within essential workflows.

Where will AI make the greatest future impacts?

“AI will change everything” is both profoundly true and completely meaningless. Respondents shared where they plan to apply AI in the next two years — as well as where they see AI impacts in the longer term.

What’s holding AI back?

The promise of AI teeters on the edge of too-good-to-be-true. The survey asked brands and agencies about roadblocks they’re hitting today — and what inherent issues threaten the over-hyped potential of AI.



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